Sunday, January 18, 2009

Yeast Infection Advisor Dealing With Complicated Yeast Infections

If your yeast infection is quite severe and complicated, you need to undergo a prolonged treatment course - regardless of the method of drug administration. To totally get rid of symptoms and attain a negative culture result, the traditional 5-day or 7-day therapy needs to be extended to 10 to 14 days.

Initial treatment

If you have contracted yeast infection for the first time, your doctor may initially give you 150 mg of Diflucan every other day for three doses, to be followed by a tablet once a week for several weeks to control the harmful growth of yeast. Earlier medications like
Ketoconazole may put you at a high risk of developing liver damage hence you need to be closely monitored. A once a week dose of Diflucan is seemingly safer. Therefore, you may not require strict monitoring.

When the vulva is quite inflamed, you may not possibly find sufficient treatment from topical creams. It may even aggravate the burning sensation you experience. You therefore need to take oral anti-fungals and may benefit from supportive remedies such as sitz baths, cool compresses, and application with a mild hydrocortisone ointment. With oral Diflucan, you may need to wait for at least 3 to 7 days before you experience significant symptom relief.

Treatment of resistant types

Having to deal with resistant yeast like Candida glabrata, can cause frustrations to both patient and doctor. Resistant types may need to be treated for months before infection is completely cleared. Given earlier, oral and topical treatment of azole drugs for a week or two may prove effective. This regimen may include Diflucan with Gyne-Lotrimin (the usual initial step taken). However if the infection persists, the next thing to consider is to use boric acid.

Boric acid - use and precautions

Although boric acid has been used since the era of Egypt’s pharaohs, its benefit in the treatment of yeast infections has not been sufficiently explored. This may be because of so many innovative fugal medications available at present.

However, a study showed that boric acid effectively controlled Candida glabrata in 70 percent of all women studied. A 600 mg Boric Acid capsule is administered intra-vaginally once or twice a day for two weeks. But a pharmacist has to formulate these capsules.

Never take boric acid by mouth, and always keep it away from children’s reach. If you’re pregnant, don’t attempt to use it, as it has not been tested and proven to be safe during pregnancy.
Susan Driscal is dedicated to helping people find solutions for all health related problems. To learn more about her solutions for yeast infections, thrush and candida visit::
Remedy For A Yeast Infection

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